NIRVANA Tenkara Line Holder Cards (6 pack)
You Get 6 Cards in a Pack
& Each Card is a Different Color for Color Coding Lines
Main Features:
- SUPER THIN Tenkara Line Holders!
- Perfect For ULTRA-Light Minimalist Approach!
- Great for Tenkara LEVEL LINE (Will fit a 12.5ft furled or PVC line).
- 6 colors in a pack.
- Store 4 Lines in the same space as 1 regular spool.
- 3 Inches Wide & Credit Card Thin!
- Made in Japan

These Tenkara Line Card Spools are perfect for winding up your Tenkara Level Lines with minimal storage size possible. They are super light/thin Tenkara line winders as to not add weight or bulk to your Tenkara bag. Now you can have 4 Line cards spools with Tenkara level line on them in the same size space as a traditional Tenkara line holder.
The cards have several holes to hook your fly on and 2 slits in the middle to secure the end (or beginning) of your tenkara line.
Taps fold out for you to wind your line on and the back ridge makes it easy guide your line into the grove when winding.
It is easy to write on these cards with a permanent marker so you remember the size and length of your line, the back side of the card has no text or graphics. These cards are as then as a credit card. You get 6 different colors, each card is a different color so you can color code your different tenkara lines.
If you fold every other tab backwards and the others forward, you can actually put one line on the front of the card and one line on the back of the card. See this article https://tenkaraaddict.com/tenkara-line-card-storage/