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Killer Kebari Variant Tenkara Fly Tying Pattern

Killer Kebari Variant Tenkara Fly Tying Pattern

How to tie a Killer Kebari fly pattern. This is a fantastic tenkara fly created by the Chris Stuart (of Tenkara Bum) during the early years of tenkara and was based off of the Killer Bug Fly. Chris used yarn colored with marker to mimic the discontinued Chadwick's 477 Yarn that is so popular around the world of fly tying, I prefer to use Vicunna Dubbing Chadwick's SUB instead as I find it buggier and a bit more translucent than the yarn. Chris also prefers hen pheasant for the hackle and I prefer partridge for this fly.

I have had a lot of success fishing this fly and it is a lot of fun to tie. Below is a video of my take on tying this wonderful fly. 

Fly tied by Brent Auger of DRAGONtail Tenkara.

Fly Tying Recipe Materials List:

This is a very effective soft hackle tenkara fly that should work on all waters and most species of fish, especially trout in mountain creeks & streams but it will also work great on warm water fish. This fly is meant to be fished as a wet fly (sub-surface).

It is a very basic fly to tie.

Checkout our other Youtube Fly Tying videos here >>

Also, if you leave off the hackle on this fly it makes for an excellent killer bug fly pattern. 

Killer Bug and Killer Kebari flies Tenkara Fly Tying Patterns



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Sare Lanzafame - April 6, 2023

The Kebari style flies are very similar to a standard Soft Hackle / Sylvester Nimms
I’ve used Soft Hackle Flies for over 35 years now and believe me they work.
Weather it’s a Kebari or Nimms style Soft Hackle

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